We founded the Asher C. Freeman Foundation in memory of our son. Asher was on the path to become an artist when his life was suddenly cut short. He was not able to fulfill his potential. We would like to honor his work and dedication by helping young and burgeoning artists fulfill theirs.
Portrait of Asher C. Freeman by his instructors at Watts Atelier of the Arts, LLC.
Asher C. Freeman Foundation, 8827 Southwick Street, Fairfax, Virginia 22031.
Phone: (703) 508-5006. Email: info@ashercfreemanfoundation.org
Copyright 2014 Asher C. Freeman Foundation
The Asher C. Freeman Foundation offers grants and subsidies to help defray professional development costs for young and emerging visual artists. Proposed use of funding may include courses, stand-alone classes, seminars, conferences, study of techniques, and artists' supplies and equipment, and may help defray living costs such as rent and utilities.